Linda Falorio is an internationally recognized artist and writer, and creator of the Occult bestseller, The Shadow Tarot. First published in 1988, The Shadow Tarot is a tool for exploring the archetypal shadow through the lens and gateway of the personal psyche. These images reflect the “nightside” of consciousness as opposed to our ordinary "dayside" reality. The newly released and much-anticipated edition of The Shadow Tarot includes full-color images of all seventy-eight cards as inspired by Aleister Crowley’s Liber 231, Kenneth Grant’s The Nightside of Eden, and The Lesser Key of Solomon: Goetia.
Linda is also known for her magickal altarpieces and magickal portraits, and for interpreting personal symbols and dreams on canvas. One of the founding members with Mishlen Linden of Nu-Icons Women's Art Collective, Linda had her one-woman show, "Magickal Realism" at Eye of Horus Bookstore, and organized a group show, “Magical Realism” at Summerhawk Festival featuring art by Linda, Nema, Mishlen Linden, Frederick Seaton, Willliam W. Webb, Leilah Wendell and Maggie Mortier. Linda also participated in "Sanctuary", the Bloomfield Art Works group show to benefit Pittsburgh Action Against Rape, and in the "Bloomfield Sacred Art Festival" group show. Linda also has shown her work at the annual Golden Thread Camp’s "Sagittarium Art Show".
Translated into six languages, Linda’s work has been featured in books and magazines and includes Lost Souls, the recently reissued collection of her short stories with a magickal twist. Linda has also contributed to Faces of Babalon, and Women of Babalon: A Howling of Women’s Voices with Mishlen Linden, and Thee Kali Circle Compendium with Topy Heart, Starfire Magazine and Skoob Occult Review, Modern Sex Magick, by Donald Michael Kraig, NOXAZ Sirius Anthology 2014, edited by Edgar Kerval, and many others. Linda says of herself: “I seek through the spark of Art to delight and to inspire, to mold Archetypes of human consciousness into new and visionary forms, to evolve new Goddesses and Gods, to invent new dreams and reach for Utopian Magicks that together we may yet create.” Kenneth Grant said of her: “[Linda is] indeed a High Priestess of Typhon - and a methodical one at that!”
Linda holds advanced degrees in psychology and psychotherapy and undergraduate degrees in the fine arts, sociology, and mathematics. She has utilized and taught astrology, tarot, palmistry, hypnotherapy, magick, and meditation in her long-standing clinical practice from which she has now retired, devoting herself to writing and painting the magickal subjects that have been her life’s passion. Today, Linda specializes in works in oil on canvas, portraiture, still life and landscape with an emphasis on dream images of surreal beauty. Linda lives in Friendship Park, Pennsylvania with her husband and partner, Fred Fowler and their faithful companion Moggy Cat.
Artist's Statement
intention as an Artist and Stellar Sorcerer is to bring into focus symbolic and mythic
themes of the Collective Unconscious, transmuting dark atavisms of the distant
human-prehuman past into newly emerging far-future human selves. I seek to create a direct
outré experience in the viewer of these transforming states of self-awareness; to open
Gates into vast, unexplored inner geographies of the psyche, finding beauty and power in
the twistings and turnings of the Inner Labyrinth. I seek to tread the path of the Shaman
into the realm of the ancient Ones, to reconnect with the primordial heritage of power sucked from the bowels of the earth, to reclaim the power of the Dark Feminine within, to
find and express the Magick of the Transpersonal Shadow. I seek, through the spark of Art,
to delight and to inspire, to mold Archetypes of human consciousness into new and
visionary forms, evolving new Goddesses and Gods, inventing new dreams, reaching for
Utopian Magicks that together we may yet create. I seek, through Art, nothing less than
the Magick of Self-Transformation."
